Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It'll BEE a fun weekend

Well, you'd think after all these years there would be no more "firsts" at the Roxy, but this week, for the first time, we're opening a movie that's exactly one week old.

Normally, if we don't play a film on its opening weekend, we have to wait anywhere from three to five weeks to get it; but this week, Paramount has decided to widen the release of "Bee Movie" by releasing a bunch more prints, so we've managed to snag one.

Their strategy is pretty obvious: There are no major contenders coming out on November 9, so by putting "Bee Movie" into a bunch more theatres, Paramount stands a good chance of claiming the #1 spot on the charts this weekend.

We'll sure do our best to help them achieve that goal. See you at the movies...or as Jerry Seinfeld might put it, "Bee there!"

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